A meal-by-meal weekend recap

Our adventures this weekend were largely food-based. Here’s what we ate:

Fairmount Bagels
Montreal’s two most famous bageleries are just a few blocks apart in the Plateau neighborhood. We tried St Viateur bagels when we were here last summer, so we wanted to give Fairmount a fair shake. Verdict: pretty good. I kind of prefer St. Viateur, because it has a full menu and you can eat-in.

Pizza on Rue St. Denis
We struck out for dinner on Saturday night. The plan was to get to Pizzeria Dei Compari early enough to beat the Completement Cirque festival crowds. But when we got there at 5:45, there was a long line outside. So we headed across the street to Napoli Pizzeria. Good news, we were seated right away. Bad news, the pizza was no good. “One step below a Tombstone,” said Braden.

A smorgasbord at Marche Jean Talon
We wanted to try everything. So we did. A spicy meat hand pie from a Middle Eastern bakery (it’s called a “chausson” here, which translates to “slipper,” which I find adorable). Two buckwheat galettes – one with apple, ham, and maple syrup, and one with potatoes, ham, egg, and maple syrup. Some pulled pork tacos. Two fruit scones to go. And we picked up some veggies for chicken soup, and got scolded for forgetting our reuseable bag.

Gnocci at Drogheria Fine
We noticed this tiny window-service restaurant when we were getting bagels on Saturday morning, so we came back Sunday night. They sell one thing: gnocci slathered in marinara sauce, topped with red pepper flakes and romano cheese, served in a Chinese food take out container.

This photo of Kem Coba is courtesy of TripAdvisor

Ice cream at Kem Coba
This ice cream/sorbet spot is also just a few doors down from Fairmount Bagels. There was a line that wrapped around the corner! But it was some of the best ice cream I’ve ever had. I had chocolate and crème fraîche (which is kind of like sour cream) – sounds gross but tastes delicious.

Paella at Weekends du Monde festival
We took the yellow line to Parc Jean Drapeau to check out the Week-ends du Monde festival and listen to some Mauritian music. We stopped for paella, and also met this cute groundhog friend.

2 Replies to “A meal-by-meal weekend recap

    1. We have! It’s good. I have to say: Poutine is overrated. I love french fries covered in stuff. There’s lots of ways to do that. Not all of them have to end with (and cheese curds and gravy).

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